Whether we are promoting TR to our Clients, our colleagues, or to the public; awareness is key. Before I end up opening a discussion relating to the importance of the regulation of our profession (if you want to discuss it, however, send a message, I would love to have a conversation of sorts via the blog!), let’s just think about how increased awareness of Therapeutic Recreation has a direct impact on regulation and therefore the protection of the title Recreation Therapist and all that follows. Okay, reign it in… Now we can just think about the importance of promoting TR within our own workplaces.

Taking it down a notch, what do you do to promote TR during Recreation Therapy Month? Feel free to share some of your past experiences and promotions during the month of February! If you’re anything like me, you want to go all out and share TR with the world, but if you’re also like me, time to put something together is a barrier. We need to remember that we don’t have to plan an entire party, sometimes simply having a conversation with a colleague can increase the public awareness of our profession, the vast services we provide, and the plethora of benefits leisure can offer the Clients we work with.

TR Promo Resources:

Feel free to utilize any of the below resources to promote our profession! If you would like to contribute to this list, please get in touch!

TR Videos:

I think everyone can think of one TR video that “sold” them on the possibilities of our profession and the support that can be provided through meaningful leisure and recreation opportunities. Please feel free to submit your favourite video that promotes the field of Therapeutic Recreation so I can add it to this list. …Think February! 😉


Alternatively, you can browse through all of the resources in the below list. A side note; when downloading .ZIP files directly from the table below, you may miss additional linked resources that are included in the full descriptions. I encourage you to check out the detailed pages using the links above.

TR Promo Package – 2022
1 file(s) 972 downloads
TR Promotion December 30, 2021
Promoting Therapeutic Recreation
13 file(s) 29211 downloads
TR Promotion January 8, 2023