Time Saving Resource Sharing:Don’t reinvent the wheel, just realign it.– Anthony J. D’Angelo

I would eventually love to see a world of open-source sharing within the entire profession of TR, but I understand that not everything can be open source, or free. What is open source sharing? The term open source refers to something people can modify and share because its design is publicly accessible. The term originated in the context of software development to designate a specific approach to creating computer programs. I feel this term can be applied to resources and I invite you to practice this philosophy with me.

For now, I am happy with time-saving sharing. Webster defines time-saving as: “intended or serving to expedite something”. The below resources are available to you to use in order to save you time. Please consider submitting your time-saving resources to share with your fellow TR professionals.

‘Our greatest currency is our time and we cannot save it. Spend it wisely and never waste another’s or your own.’ – Kyle Barger

I have made some attempts to categorize the resources into four categories: TR Intervention & Activity Resources, TR Tools, TR Socials & Resource Websites, and TR Promotion. Use the drop-down menu above to navigate between the pages. If you are looking for something specific please use the search feature. Alternatively, you can browse all of the resources on this website in the table below. A side note; when downloading .ZIP files directly from the table below, you may miss additional linked resources that are included in the full descriptions. I encourage you to check out the detailed pages using the links above.

Charting Resources
3 file(s) 1936 downloads
Assessments, Records & Logs, Tools January 15, 2023

    Get in touch by leaving a comment or sending me an email if you can’t find what you’re looking for; I just might have it!

    You can also search through the blog posts categories for additional resources below:

    It’s okay: It’s okay to use any of the resources found within this website/blog with Clients (post-assessment) or for yourself, crediting the author where possible; abiding by their copyright/permissions.

    It’s NOT okay: It’s not okay to use any of the resources with Clients without assessing their needs and the appropriateness of the tools highlighted on this website/blog. It’s not okay to utilize the resources without showing appreciation (credit) for the time and effort it took the author to create them. It’s not okay to reproduce any of the resources for profit, claiming them to be your own.