52 Week Leisure Challenge: Week Six – Gardening/Harvesting

Truth be told, I’ve come a looooooong way if we’re talking about keeping any sort of plant alive. In fact, since Covid, I have gone from killing nearly every plant I’ve ever owned to growing and harvesting so many tomatoes I’ve spent the last three weekends either turning them into something else or giving them away (despite losing my peas to spider mites; I also have a banging crop of potatoes not yet ready to harvest). Not to mention, I have gone from having two house plants successfully survive the day-to-day life with me, to now being the proud plant parent of twenty-four thriving indoor plants. Plus four who are expecting to sprout roots and be planted.

According to Healthline.com gardening is one of the healthiest hobbies you can develop.

  • Outdoor gardening can help your body fight disease
  • Gardening builds strength, promotes sleep, and helps you maintain a healthy weight
  • Gardening can help protect your memory as you get older
  • Gardening is a mood booster
  • Gardening calms you after stressful events
  • Gardening is an effective tool if you’re recovering from addiction
  • Family and community gardens foster feelings of connection
  • Gardening can give you a sense of agency and empowerment
  • Gardening can help you manage ecoanxiety

The extra, life-enhancing benefits of loving a plant:

  • Lowers levels of anxiety. Constantly seeing and being around plants helps people feel more calm and relaxed, thus decreasing levels of anxiety.
  • Increases attentiveness and memory. Being around plants, whether at home or work, helps improve memory and attention span by 20 percent and can increase concentration.
  • Increases productivity. This study shows that employees were more productive when just a few houseplants were added to their workspace.
  • Reduces stress levels and boosts mood. Caring for plants can reduce physiological and psychological stressTrusted Source as compared with mental work. This may be because caring for plants suppresses sympathetic nervous system activity and promotes comfortable, relaxed, and natural feelings.
  • Sparks creativity. People are 15 percent more creative when surrounded by greenery and natural elements.

Caring for your plants is essentially a reminder to care for yourself. Check out some of my photos from my adventures with the tomatoes!

Be sure to check out the Gardening and Horticulture resources here!

A Couple of the Recipes I’ve Used:

52 Week Leisure Challenge: Week Five - Reading/Audio Books
52 Week Leisure Challenge: Week Seven - Photography