52 Week Leisure Challenge: Week One – Kayaking

When chatting with my daughter recently about getting this website and blog back on the radar, she suggested that I do a weekly challenge where I sample different types of leisure activities and blog about them. “… a great way to practice what you preach” and “holding yourself accountable”, she reminded me. Who raised this kid anyways?

So, Challenge Accepted!

Simplicable.com has put together this list of 133 examples of common recreation, leisure, and hobbies from which I can sample. Be sure to comment below with any suggestions you may have for me!

Lac Ste Anne, Alberta

Week One: Kayaking

Aside from being an enjoyable and fun activity, kayaking offers many benefits for your physical health and mental health. According to OneHouse.com, kayaking has 15 surprising health benefits:


  • Achieve ideal body weight
  • Increase upper body muscle strenght
  • Develop toned legs
  • Strengthen core muscles
  • Increase endurance
  • Improve heart health
  • Activate Vitamin D in the body


  • Reduce stress
  • Increase happiness
  • Improve focus
  • Enhance memory
  • Improve quality of sleep
  • Time for bonding/socializing
  • Allow time for reflection
  • Provide opportunity for self-improvement
Lac Ste Anne, Alberta

I only took up kayaking the last week of July 2020, but have made a point to put a serious number of hours on the water this summer. For me, kayaking has been an opportunity to disconnect from the world, to refresh, and unwind. I have been blessed to have a friend (who also happens to be a Recreation Therapist!) who lives 10mins away, where we also have access to a lake. While I have yet to venture too far away from home (let’s not bring up the roof rack that was my birthday gift; it didn’t work?!), I hope to soon outfit myself in order to travel about the province.

Lac Ste Anne, Alberta
Lac Ste Anne, Alberta

Places to Paddle:

Suggestions for places I should be taking my kayak? Comment below!

Lac Ste Anne, Alberta
I'm Baaaaaaaack!!
52 Week Leisure Challenge: Week Two - Ukulele