I’m Baaaaaaaack!!

Yup, and I’m attempting to learn how to use WordPress and databases… If you have any learning curve shortcuts you would like to share with me, I would greatly appreciate it!

If the last year of uncertainty and change has done anything for me, it has provided me with the push to reflect on my life; I also turned 40 years old. My birthday tends to bring along some type of “I should make changes” response, however, this year has been a year where I’ve actually made changes, not just thought about them.

Getting this website back up and running, in the way it was intended in the first place, was one of those changes I’ve been wanting to make. It will likely take me some time to upload and organize all of the files that I have, but the intention of this website is to be a hub of resources for TR professionals. Don’t be shocked if things look different the first few times you visit, as I increase my knowledge and skills relating to WordPress.

Please feel free to leave a comment if you find something of use! Where you are able, please credit the author/creator of the resource material that you are using.

52 Week Leisure Challenge: Week One - Kayaking