Wowzers, Learning Curve!

New theme; new look!

After a couple of weeks trying to sort out plug-ins and database management and whatever else I’ve had to sort through; the lesson learned? Ask for help.

After reading through two different WordPress books borrowed from the library and endless Google searches I finally headed to the support forums. Not realizing that because I’ve selected a few paid features for this website that I can actually access some fairly timely support. I finally gave in to my own stubbornness and made a post in the forums. To my delight, one week later, I am officially off to the races! Be sure to have a look through the resource pages; please let me know if you come across any broken links or have anything to share! I have a few more design changes that I will make (the home page), but I am working away at getting the download pages into an acceptable order and will be continuing with uploading what I have in my endless amounts of stuff.

I have yet to figure out how to display a gallery of sorts for all of the resources to ‘pretty up’ the user-end experience, but we will get there. In the meantime, you can find all of the resources found on this website on the resources page in a list format.

Starting with this post, I will attempt to link to all of the detailed download pages for all of the resources until I’ve sorted out how to make a pretty catalogue type experience for you. If anyone has a fast track to this task, let me know!

Today’s Shared Resource: Self Care Books – Self-care is important at any and all points of our lives, however, throughout and post-Covid, self-care has been highlighted and reinforced as a preventative health measure.

As for what’s on the go; we had our family photos yesterday, watch for an updated “About Me” photo! And coming up on the blog in the next few weeks will likely be something to do with my ample supply of these; any suggestions?!

52 Week Leisure Challenge: Week Two - Ukulele
52 Week Leisure Challenge: Week Three - Fishing!